Friday, September 21, 2012

Bargain Hunters International

This post should have been posted prior to the last one!

My friend Jenny took me to a really cool international supermarket here in Indy.  WOW!  You just don't see that kind of selection at our regular chain stores and markets.  I was in heaven and at the same time having a mental overload.  I'm not a professional with food, by no means, but I do fancy myself a culinary experimenter.  Ok.. that's just fancy talk for:  I'll take a recipe and jack with it after I've at least made it once the proper way first.

Standing in that sea of variety of produce I had only heard about in exotic recipes, my mind reeled.  I wanted to buy everything in large quantities because I'm a "stocker upper" by nature and did I mention the prices beat the chain stores???  After spending I don't know how long in the produce, we found our way to the meat section.  Ok... same situation!

They had fish of all kinds and even squid, octopus and even crawfish and probably some other stuff too.  The fish was so fresh that when you told the guy behind the counter what you wanted, he cleaned and gutted it to order.  And the meats... wow... chicken (of sorts I never heard of), turkey(smoked), lamb, goat, beef.  I'm not into eating organs... but they had a variety of that.  Then they had meat that was slaughtered in a special way in order to satisfy certain religious needs.  Whoa.. overload all over again.

But I was on a mission to find Shiritaki noodles.  Dr. Davis has a recipe in his book Wheat Belly that calls for them.  They are a wheat-free noodle, made of tofu and/or mung bean?  Upon that visit, somehow I overlooked them completely, but I discovered they had a TON of tofu blocks on sale.  19 oz. blocks of medium firm tofu for less then 60¢ each.  So yeah... I got like six of them.  I've never used tofu, but I know it is a great protein source!  You can't beat that price and you can make them taste like anything you want!

I went back 2 days later with the hubby and picked up 6 more blocks and then found the Shiritaki noodles and picked up a couple packages of those as well as another off brand dry tofu noodle.  In the next post I'll share what I did with them, I don't want to ramble on too much in one post!  (See prior post for Tofu Spaghetti - for some reason that posted prior to this one)

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