Monday, December 31, 2012

I Didn't Fall I Jumped!

So ok, I've been sugaring it up once in a while since October.  Lately it has been more then once in a while.  I justified it because I wasn't eating any wheat so the harm wasn't all THAT bad.  Well that really is foolishness.  Sure maybe once in a big while you eat a sweet with refined sugar, what is the harm?  I've found that if you let it get out of hand then you are on the road to justifying all kinds of crazy things.

So what did I do?  Well as fate would have it, we had a chocolate cake ( made with traditional wheat flour) sitting in the fridge.  It was left over from a family gathering on Dec. 25.  We didn't eat any of it then and my hubby was planning to take it to work and give it away but forgot.
So there it was.
Did its addictive wheaty superpower call to me and send me cravings for its velvety goodness???  No, honestly I was just bored and wanted some instant gratification for chocolate and there it was.  I had opened the door months ago when I started indulging frequently in the refined sugars for comfort.
I didn't fall off the wagon with the cake, I jumped.  I took a running start.

It was a big piece too.  I figured if I was going to do it, do it big.
I do not know what kind of affect it will have on me over the next few days.  The last time I was accidentally exposed to wheat germ it was for 4 days in a row.  It was horrible!!  I had cravings and wanted to eat ALL the time until it worked itself out of my system.  Not to mention the amazing crabbiness I felt.  This time around, it was just one time and I happen to be sick already with a head and chest cold.  I think that may be my saving grace because I just don't find myself wanting to eat anything because of being sick!

I did notice that shortly after eating the cake I became very tired.  I'm fairly certain that if I went back through The Wheat Belly book by Dr. Davis there would be an explaination as to why that is.  Probably due to it's opiate affect on the brain.

I also noticed that I got sicker.  My congestion got worse.  Ok.. can I blame the wheat for that?  It is iffy, but I've done some testimonial reading online and people say that they have noticed allergy/congestion IMPROVING when they stop eating wheat.  And... yeah... my hubby and I have had massive improvements in that departments since going wheat free.

So... Time to drag myself back up on the wagon again.  This time leaving refined sugar behind as well.  For someone with a history of heart disease in the family, I strongly suspect refined sugar is a devil in disguise and something I shouldn't play with.  There is probably some link to small LDL particles and when I feel better I will look into that.

If you didn't know Small Particle LDL's are the cause of coronary heart disease.
I strongly recommend you check out or Dr. Davis' book Wheat Belly.  It is life changing in so many ways.

I'll be bringing back some food posts soon!  Hang in there as I get back into the swing of things!

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